Sunday, 20 October 2013

Links I Love #5

Yet again the week has gone by and once again it is Sunday. Weird how that works aint it?
Not really? Oh..yeah I didn't think so either..
Here's to another round of Links I Love!

This is my favorite song. Have you ever felt as though you were struck to the heart by a certain piece of music? This is mine, every time I hear it I instantly start crying. John Hiatt is a master - can we all go and ask him to sing this at my future wedding? Also the link I gave you has Benny and Joon playing in the video. Just listen and maybe it will strike you the way it struck me.

Yep that's right. Baby Orangutans! In shopping baskets, getting bathed and being fed by bottles! Can you contain your excitement! Just watch it and come back, I`ll wait...

I can`t tell you how excited I am for Christmas this year! Especially looking at how amazing the spread is at Lush! They have out done themselves yet again. I might as well just hand them my wallet - it would probably be cheaper. I have a problem..

Thanks so much for reading! Have an amazing week everyone!

Tell me what Lush products you are lushting after this Christmas season! Super embarrassing how proud I am right now after using and creating the word lushting!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Links I Love #4

How is it already Sunday? These weeks have been going by so quickly, it's crazy! If you're weeks are going by like a sloth climbs (and if you have a blog), then I highly recommend starting a weekly blog segment. You will be astounded at how quickly the times comes to write the next post! Now that the ramble is out of the way, here are my top 4 links that I have been loving this week!
This is such an amazing Tumblr for when you get home from work, when you're so fed up of life and all you want to do is stop thinking. If you go to this page, I guarantee that you will forget all about the busy day you have had, as you will be laughing far too much to remember.
Sure it might be a bit of a cheat to put this one on as well but really, it's Disney! Just copy and paste what I put above except add Disney, which is often so much better! Also I'm headed to Disney next month so I might be a little biased. Have I said Disney enough? Disney.
I hadn't noticed until I've been writing this post, how much I have been loving Tumblr this week! All the hidden gems get me so excitable, who could blame me? Especially with this little number. I know that it's mainly snowy and Christmasy loveliness, but I've already put up our Christmas lights... (shh it's our little secret - and my neighbours).There's also some autumn-ness mixed in as well, so boo!
 CTFxC || Internet Killed TV
It's definitely fair to say that I was 5 years late on this band wagon.. However, since I've emerged from whatever I thought was life, I can now firmly say that I am a Trippy fanatic and it feels damn good too! I have watched so many of their videos and lost hours of sleep, but oh it's so worth it!
What have been your favorite links this week? Let me know in the comments, also tell me where I have to go and what to check out when I go to LA next month!
Have an amazing week everyone! X

Friday, 11 October 2013

Fall Make-up Wish List

I cannot explain to you how insanely obsessed I am with fall fashion and make-up this year, without coming off completely hysterical. As you can probably tell by the lack of color diversity color above, I am loving the mauves, gold hued wines and plums to an embarrassing extent lately. How many burgundy's can you buy at one time without the cashier looking at you with the stink eye? Hopefully it's three and a rose gold shimmer. They're all significantly different...right?
What are some of your must have beauty items that your hoping to pick up in the next few weeks?
 Let me know in the comments!
Have an amazing week everyone! X

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

20 Regretful Moments

I regret not bleaching my hair when I was younger as it was always a bad hair day regardless of the color. 

I regret not trying harder to make an effort to socialize with people in school because either I couldn't be bothered or I thought they were 'cooler' than me. Not true! Just push yourself - it's scary but maybe you'll meet your best friend!

I regret making myself seem like a stalker and creating a fake boyfriend called Dustin to make the guy I liked jealous. Shocking that it didn't work, isn't it?

I regret not attending school as often as I should have because it definitely made my friendships suffer. 

I regret not forcing myself to each fish when I was younger because maybe if I did I would like it now. 

I regret not dancing like a fool at all of the school dances. 

I regret not being in the high school drama club. 

I regret not pursuing music as much as I wanted and knew I could. 

I regret going to the first and only cheerleading class I've ever taken. 

I regret making the ducky face in all of my grade 9 pictures. Thankfully not the yearbook picture!

I regret paying $500.00 for clip in hair extensions! $500!!!! What an idiot!

I regret the pink cords I wore in elementary. 

I regret lying to you about regretting the pink cords....I freaking loved them!

I regret trying the blue cheese sample at the grocery store and puking 10 minutes later in the packed car park. 

I regret not making more giant M&M cookies when I worked at Cookies By George. 

I regret the blonde streaks that were supposed to be highlights that i couldn't afford to change and that made my hair look permanently greasy. 

I regret having fish. Disgusting creatures. 

I regret ever eating that pretzel wrapped hot dog in Seattle and the terror that later ensued. 

I regret the 2 hour bus ride to the outlets where the only thing I bought was said hot dog. 

I regret deciding that it was a good idea to lay on the ground beside my dog, who then proceeded to sit on my face. Our relationship just hasn't been the same since. 

Well that wasn't traumatic at all! It's not often that I sit here and think about all the ridiculously stupid and embarrassing things I've done throughout my life. It will definitely set you straight if you ever get to big for your boots! I highly recommend waiting for that time to do this.

What are some of the most cringe-worthy things you've done? Please let me know that I'm not alone in my stupidity!! X

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Links I Love #3

Oh boy, do I have a lovely bunch of ladies for you this beautiful Sunday evening. This week I've been really getting back into beauty products and loving 'look book' type posts. Through this I have found some amazing girlies that are without a doubt going to be a regular feature in my future web-devours.
I have loved Zoe and her magnificent brows for such a long time! Her blog fruitybeauty features some tutorials from her book Amazing Face, as well as some crazy gorgeous photos. She has THE best teeth I have ever seen in my life and I hate her for it. Why can't I have those beautiful pearly whites?! WHY!!
Oh beautiful Polly and her disgustingly wonderful accent. I first found Polly through Beauty Bootcamp by Dailymix and thought that she was wondrous so naturally I went to have a look at her channel. Well good golly miss Polly she is simply delightful! If you haven't seen her videos please click the link above, watch a couple and come back to thank me for introducing you to your new favorite Youtuber!
Everyone this is Sophie, she is from Leeds and likes fashion. She is one hell of a blogstar and she knows it! Not only are her posts most joyous but the pictures give me endless goose bumps of jealousy. Don't we all wish we could be as genuinely tumbler-esque as dear Sophie here?
So I know that I normally do 5 weekly favorites but I've been really focused on all of the chickees up there, as well as living my dreary life. Maybe there will be all 5 next week..maybe there won't. I live on the edge like that.
Toodle-loo my lovely friends have an amazing week! X


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